Early Planning
The next solid waste contract must be in place by January 1, 2021, when the current contract expires. The City can pursue starting the contract early if the contractor is able to do so.
Why so long in advance? The company that wins the bid for collection will need more than a year to assemble all of the equipment needed for collection. This will include purchasing up to 500,000 carts which could cost up to $25 million. Up to 100 collection trucks will be needed at $350,000 each for the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles Omaha will be looking for, so there is another $35 million.
The resources linked to this page are the guiding documents and actions taken by the City in the process of evaluating what is needed in the next solid waste contract.
City Council Action
The solid waste collection contract will be enacted as an ordinance. Ordinances require three readings/meetings: 1) introduction, 2) public hearing, and 3) vote. Council meetings are at 2pm in the Legislative Chambers of the Douglas-Omaha Civic Center, 1819 Farnam Street. Council meetings are streamed live from the feed provided to COX channel 18 and CentruryLink channel 69.
Live streams and recordings of council meetings are available at https://cityclerk.cityofomaha.org/city-council/videos
Round 1
First Reading — Introduction, April 16, 2019
- City Council Agenda, April 16, 2019 13 pages
- The Mayor’s recommendation is introduced as ordinance 41801, found on page 13 as agenda item 29.
- Mayor’s Submittal to Council 303 pages
- The Mayor’s two page introductory letter, three page ordinance, and FCC’s 293 bid submittal.
Second Reading — Public Hearing, April 23, 2019
- City Council Agenda, April 23, 2019 16 pages
- The public hearing of ordinance 41801, awarding the solid waste collection contract to FCC, found on page 9 as agenda item 44.
Final Reading — Vote, April 30, 2019 Held over to June 4, 2019
- City Council Agenda, April 30, 2019 21 pages
- The scheduled vote on ordinance 41801, awarding the solid waste collection contract to FCC, found on page 11 as agenda item 50.
Mayor Stothert submitted a request that council layover this agenda item to allow time for an independent review of the West Central Sanitation bid. To read the Mayor’s letter to council, click here.
Final Reading — Vote, June 4, 2019 (Held over from April 30, 2019)
- City Council Agenda, June 4, 2019 17 pages
- The vote on ordinance 41801, awarding the solid waste collection contract to FCC, found on page 2 as agenda item 7.
The Council voted to deny the recommendation. The bid packages now return to the Public Works Department and the Administration where it may be re-introduced, modified and re-introduced, or restarted with a new bid.
Round 2
First Reading — Re-introduction, July 23, 2019
- City Council Agenda, July 23, 2019 15 pages
- The Mayor’s recommendation is introduced as ordinance 41925, found on page 14 as agenda item 67.
- Mayor’s Submittal to Council 6 pages
- The Mayor’s two page introductory letter, and four page ordinance.
- Mayor’s Letter to Council, dated July 17, 2019 2 pages
- Outlines why the bid is being re-submitted, and the urgency of a decision.
- Letter to Council from Public Works Director Stubbe, dated July 17, 2019 2 pages
- Outlines why the FCC bid was selected, and the reasons for selecting the two cart system.
- Amendment of the Whole to substitute the FCC, three cart system bid 4 pages
- Presented as an option to the Council.
- Amendment of the Whole to substitute the West Central Sanitation, two cart system bid 4 pages
- Presented as an option to the Council.
- Amendment of the Whole to substitute the West Central Sanitation, three cart system bid 4 pages
- Presented as an option to the Council.
Second Reading — Public Hearing, August 13, 2019
- City Council Agenda, August 13, 2019 12 pages
- The public hearing of ordinance 41925, awarding the solid waste collection contract, found on page 7 as agenda item 34.
- It includes the letters from the Mayor and Public Works Director to Council, and the three separate possible amendments listed under the first reading above.
- Also on the agenda is the First Reading for Ordinance 41942, to collect yardwaste during the spring and fall peak seasons. Page 12, agenda item 53.
Final Reading — Vote, August 20, 2019 Delayed to August 27, 2019
- City Council Agenda, August 27, 2019 16 pages
The vote on ordinance 41925, awarding the solid waste collection contract to FCC, found on page 10 as agenda item 58.Additional agenda item 59, changes the the number of inhabitants that allows residents to exceed the standard capacity service.Additional agenda item 60, adds 8 to 12 weeks of yardwaste collection, split between spring and fall.
Approved! —
Primary Contract
- 10 year collection contract. Potential for two additional five year extensions.
- Contractor, FCC Environmental
- Two cart collection system. One 96-gallon cart for recycling, another 96-gallon cart for all waste (garbage and yardwaste)
- Recycling collected every other week
- Carts are provided by the contractor, but owned by the City
- Residents may lease an additional cart from FCC if they need more capacity
- Annual cost approximately $22.7 million
Supplemental Yardwaste Contract
- 5 year collection contract, with an additional five year extension available.
- Contractor, FCC Environmental
- During 4 to 6 weeks in the spring and 4 to 6 weeks in the fall additional yardwaste will be collected when placed in paper yardwaste bags and out for collection on the regular collection day.
- Yardwaste collected will go to Oma-Gro and be composted
- Annual cost approximately $1.5 million
Bid Recommendation
At a 1:15pm news conference on April 9, 2019, Mayor Stothert announced the recommendation she is forwarding to the City Council for approval.
The Mayor accepted the advice of the working group that reviewed all four bids that were received. The working group selected FCC as the collection company, and the two cart system as the type of collection to provide.
Additional information is in the documents linked below.
- Mayor’s News Release on the Bid Recommendation 2 pages
- Issued 04-9-2019
- Bid Evaluation and Review Document 5 pages
- Issued 04-9-2019
- Independent Review of the West Central Sanitation Bid
- Following the April 30 City Council meeting, Mayor Stothert engaged HDR of Omaha to conduct an independent review of the West Central Sanitation bid.
- Issued 05-21-2019
- Mayor’s Letter to Council
- The letter asks the council to define which bid would be acceptable and what services the contract should provide. Further, the letter relates the urgency in selecting a contractor so they will be prepared to begin collections.
- Issued 06-11-2019
Bid Opening
Bids from four companies were received and opened at 11:00am on January 30, 2019. The City will now review the bids and a recommendation will be made to the Mayor of the lowest and best responsible bid.
The bids were let on October 24, 2018. A pre-bid meeting for all potential bidders was held on November 9, 2018. Questions were received from bidders and five contract addenda were issued.
- Mayor’s New Release Following the Bid Opening, Seasonal Yardwaste Collection 1 page
- Issued 07-31-2019
- Mayor’s News Release on the Bid Opening3 pages
- Issued 1-30-2019
- Mayor’s News Release following Issuance of Request for Bid 3 pages
- Issued 10-24-2018
- Frequently Asked Questions for the Request for Bid 3 pages
- Issued 10-24-2018
- Video Compares the Bid Options and Other Aspects of the Bid 4:30 minutes
- Released 2-7-2019
- Benchmark Study Report Final v1.0 26 pages
- The goal of this study was to give the City a reasonable idea of what options might be available or need to be evaluated for the next solid waste contract. This study thoroughly examined two local communities and 11 regional cities of comparable size to Omaha.
- Yardwaste Study Report Final v1.0 54 pages
- The largest and most in-depth of the studies. This study was to quantify the economic and environmental aspects of dealing with yardwaste collection and disposal in a variety of ways. Predominantly there are two scenarios that quantify the economic and environmental aspects and three additional variation scenarios considered.
- Public Opinion Survey Summary Letter Final v1.0 Includes Survey Script 15 pages
- To gauge the public’s satisfaction with the current collection contract and assess the public’s willingness to accept change, a telephone survey was conducted. The public opinion survey contacted a statistically accurate sample of 550 households across the city.
Public Opinion Survey Final v1.0 inclusive with raw data 236 pages - City Council Presentation by SCS 22 pages
- In January, 2017, SCS Engineers presented the findings of the two studies and the public opinion survey to the City Council.
- Request for Bid Development Update 2 pages
- On March 6, 2018, SCS Engineers and Public Works briefed the Mayor and Council regarding development of the Request for Bid. This briefing document was provided to the media at a news conference that same day.
- After using carts for collection and experiencing automated collection for five months, a telephone survey was conducted. The public opinion survey contacted a statistically accurate sample of 200 households within the pilot areas.
- Post Pilot Public Opinion Survey Final v1.0 inclusive with raw data 95 pages
- Archived Pilot Website (Opens in a new tab)
- During the pilot, residents in the pilot areas were directed to this website with information specifically for them. The pilot website is archived as it was when the pilot finished. The information on the pilot webpage only applied to the pilot and does not apply to any current collection.
Published on 08/28/2019
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 08/28/2019
Published on 08/27/2019
Published on 08/27/2019
Published on 08/27/2019
Published on 08/27/2019
Published on 08/27/2019
Published on 08/27/2019
Waste360 is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 08/15/2019
Published on 08/14/2019
Published on 08/13/2019
Published on 08/13/2019
Published on 08/13/2019
Published on 08/13/2019
Published on 08/10/2019
Published on 08/09/2019
Waste360 is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 08/01/2019
Published on 07/31/2019
Published on 07/31/2019
Published on 07/31/2019
Published on 07/22/2019
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 07/18/2019
Published on 07/18/2019
Published on 07/17/2019
Published on 07/17/2019
Published on 07/17/2019
Published on 07/17/2019
Published on 06/13/2019
Published on 06/12/2019
Published on 06/12/2019
Includes the complete 30 minute press conference. Published on 06/12/2019
Published on 06/12/2019
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 06/05/2019
Waste360 is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 06/05/2019
Published on 06/05/2019
Published on 06/04/2019
Published on 06/04/2019
Published on 06/04/2019
Published on 06/04/2019
Published on 06/04/2019
Published on 06/03/2019
Published on 05/31/2019
Waste360 is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 05/30/2019
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 05/30/2019
Published on 05/30/2019
Published on 05/30/2019
Published on 05/29/2019
Published on 05/29/2019
Published on 05/29/2019
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 05/22/2019
Published on 05/22/2019
Aired on 05/21/2019
Aired on 05/21/2019
Aired on 05/21/2019
Published on 05/19/2019
Published on 04/30/2019
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Published on 04/30/2019.
Published on 04/26/2019
Published on 04/26/2019
Published on 04/26/2019
Published on 04/26/2019
Published on 04/26/2019.
Published on 04/25/2019.
Reporting on the public hearing the Council held on 04/23/2019. Aired on 04/23/2019.
Reporting on the public hearing the Council held on 04/23/2019. Aired on 04/23/2019.
Reporting on the public hearing the Council held on 04/23/2019. Aired on 04/23/2019.
Reporting on the public hearing the Council held on 04/23/2019. Aired on 04/23/2019.
Reporting on the public hearing the Council held on 04/23/2019. Published on 04/24/2019.
Reporting on the public hearing the Council held on 04/23/2019. Aired on 04/24/2019.
Includes a video interview with Mayor Stothert. The Omaha World-Herald reporting on the public hearing the Council will have on the Mayor’s recommendation. Published on 04/23/2019.
The Omaha World-Herald reporting on the Council exploring the bid of West Central Sanitation. Published on 04/22/2019.
The Omaha World-Herald asked readers what they wanted to know about the new collection contract. Here’s the answers. Published on 04/15/2019.
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Story released on 04/10/2019.
Published on 04/09/2019.
Published on 04/09/2019.
Published on 04/09/2019.
Published on 04/09/2019.
Published on 04/09/2019.
Published on 04/09/2019.
WasteDive is a solid waste industry trade journal. Story released on 02/04/2019.
Waste Today is a solid waste industry trade journal. Story released on 02/04/2019.
Aired on 01/31/2019.
Published on 01/31/2019.
Aired on 01/31/2019.
Aired on 01/30/2019.
Aired on 01/30/2019.
Aired on 01/30/2019.
Aired on 10/24/2018.
Aired on 10/24/2018.
Aired on 10/24/2018.
Published on 09/17/2018.
Published on 08/01/2018.
- Omaha World-Herald story about the Council’s desire for unlimited yardwaste.
Published on 03/29/2018. - Recycling Today article about the contract progress news conference.
Recycling Today is an industry trade journal. Story released on 03/20/2018. - Waste 360 Story about the contract progress news conference, taken from the Omaha World-Herald.
Waste 360 is a solid waste industry trade journal/news compiler. Story released on 03/13/2018. - Omaha World-Herald story about the contract comparing to neighboring communities.
Published on 03/10/2018. - WOWT story about the contract progress news conference.
Story released on 03/08/2018. - Waste Dive Story about the contract progress news conference.
Waste Dive is a solid waste industry trade journal/news compiler. Story released on 03/07/2018. - KETV story about the contract progress news conference.
Aired on 03/06/2018. - Omaha World-Herald story about the contract progress news conference.
Published on 03/06/2018. - Omaha World-Herald/The Bottom Line 10-minutes with the Mayor.
Aired on 02/28/2018. - KETV Story about the progress on the contract.
Aired on 10/18/2017. - Omaha World-Herald article about City Council actions.
It includes approving a contract with SCS Engineers to assist in writing the collection contract bid and the bid process.
Published on 10/18/2017. - Omaha World-Herald article about the progress and timeline for the next solid waste contract.
Published on 10/13/2017. - Photos from the Open Houses.
Updated 8/4/2017. - KMTV Coverage of the first Open Houses.
Aired on 7/26/2017. - KPTM Coverage of the first Open Houses.
Aired on 7/26/2017. - KMTV Notice about the Open Houses.
Aired on 7/25/2017. - Keep Omaha Beautiful Inc. e-mail blast about the Open Houses.
Sent on 7/24/2017. - City of Omaha e-mail blast about the Open Houses.
Sent on 7/24/2017. - City of Omaha e-mail blast about the new issue of WASTELINE.
Sent on 7/14/2017. - Omaha World-Herald article and sidebar about the Open House meetings.
Published on 7/20/2017. - Omaha World-Herald article about the study.
Published on 1/11/2017. - WOWT Report of the Study.
Aired on 1/10/2017. - KMTV Report of the Study.
Aired on 1/10/2017. - KETV Report of the Study.
Aired on 1/10/2017. - WOWT Report of the Post Pilot Survey.
Aired on 6/7/2017. - Omaha World-Herald article about Yardwaste Collection and the Post Pilot Survey.
Published on 6/8/2017. - Mayor’s website with information about the study.
Posted on 01/12/2017. - Cart Frequently Asked Questions
The questions we have regularly heard at the Open Houses and on the solid waste hotline. - Videos of Automated Side Load collection trucks
See some of the types of trucks that might be in Omaha’s future. The video is nearly 10 minutes long. (217 meg, no audio) - Omaha Solid Waste History
This poster board gives a quick history of Omaha solid waste since 2004. It is a large format poster, 3 feet by 4 feet, that will not print well on a typical home printer. - All nine open house poster boards in one file
These are large format posters, 3 feet by 4 feet, that will not print well on a typical home printer. - November, 2018, issue of WASTELINE
The article on page 1 discusses the components of the bid and page 3 is questions and answers about how collections will be handled in the new contract. - October, 2017, issue of WASTELINE
The article on page 1 discusses the current status of developing the next solid waste contract. - July, 2017, issue of WASTELINEThe entire issue is dedicated to the studies, public opinion surveys and pilot that have been conducted to learn more in preparation for a new solid waste contract.
- October, 2016, issue of WASTELINE
The article on page 1 discusses the study and the pilot that was about to be launched. - No formal presentations.
- Come at any time during the open house.
- All open houses will provide the same information.
- A survey/comment card will be distributed at each open house.
Bid Review
Studies, Surveys & Media Updates
Because of Waste Management’s difficulty in recruiting an adequate number of drivers during 2015 and 2016, the Mayor and City Council determined that some important aspects of solid waste collection needed to be studied prior to the next contract.
The Public Works Department hired SCS Engineers to conduct two studies and a public opinion survey.
Knowing of the City’s interest in changing to a cart collection system in the next contract, Waste Management offered to provide the equipment so Omaha could see first hand how a cart collection system with automated side load trucks would work. This offer was made without any financial compensation to Waste Management and no commitment by the City.
The City and Waste Management agreed on areas of 500 homes in each of the collection days making a total of 2,500 homes in the automated collection pilot. The areas selected represent the vast majority of streets and situations that the contractor would encounter when collecting the whole city.
Videos of the Automated Side Load Pilot in Omaha are available on YouTube, click here.
Post Pilot Public Opinion Survey Summary Letter Final v1.0 Includes Survey Script 8 pages
The Mayor’s hotline is collecting input from residents regarding the next solid waste collection contract. If you have comments, please contact the Mayor’s hotline either by phone at 402-444-5555, or by e-mail at hotline@cityofomaha.org.
SCS Engineers has assisted the City in developing, and writing the new contract (Request for Bid) and evaluating the bids.
Media Coverage
Additional Resources
Open Houses — Archive
Please Come!
Four open houses will help introduce the public to the contract options being looked at and the type of equipment being considered. It will be an opportunity to get clarification of the contract process.
At the open houses, eight posters will present the highlights of what has been studied and the information collected. A Public Works staff member or an SCS Engineers employee will be stationed at each poster board to answer questions.
You may click on the icon next to each study or survey listed below to review the posters before the open house. Be aware that these are large format, 3 feet by 4 feet poster boards and will not reproduce well on most home printers.
The studies and information collected was also synopsized in the July 2017 issue of WASTELINE. You may click on the W icon next to each study or survey listed below to read the WASTELINE article. This will be a single article, and not the full issue of WASTELINE. To review the complete issue, click here. Be aware that WASTELINE is a large format publication and will not reproduce well on a home printer.
Open House Schedule
Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 5:30PM to 7:30PM Nathan Hale Middle School, 6143 Whitmore Street | |
Thursday, July 27, 2017, 5:30PM to 7:30PM Elkhorn Ridge Middle School, 17880 Marcy Street | |
Wednesday, August 2, 2017, 5:30PM to 7:30PM Columbus Park Community Center, 1515 South 24th Street | |
Thursday, August 3, 2017, 5:30PM to 7:30PM Westside Community Conference Center, 3534 South 108th Street |
Omaha Home & Garden Expo — Archive
We have sample carts at the Omaha Home & Garden Expo. You may come “kick the tires” and try them out and ask questions about the next contract.
The Expo is February 8, 9, 10, & 11, 2018, at the CenturyLink Center. For more info about the show, click here.